Author Archive for Praf Pande

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7 Strategies for Conquering Fear

Monday, January 31st, 2011 by Praf Pande

“Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world,” wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson.  You and your business cannot afford to let fears control you, so you must take proactive steps to confront and conquer your fears.   Here are 7 suggestions.

  1. Differentiate real danger from perceived danger.
  2. Ask the Josie question: what is the worst that can happen?
  3. Confront your fear head-on.  Whatever you fear, there is something you can do to eliminate it. 
  4. Recall past successes.  This will build your confidence that you can confront the fear. 
  5. Develop a goal that is greater than your fear. 
  6. Deliberately seek fears to confront on a daily basis.
  7. Create a system to take you through complex problems where fear might otherwise stop you.

For further detail and examples on how to practice these fear-conquering strategies, read my recently published article, “What Is the Worst That Can Happen?


Do You Walk On Water?

Thursday, August 19th, 2010 by Praf Pande

Some time ago, I was planning a series of workshops on business coaching.  I asked my sales coach, Gerry, “How do I fill up these workshops?” His reply was: “Who thinks you walk on water?” This has stayed with me ever since.

Walking on water is about being extraordinary.  When people see you as doing things better than the best, they think you walk on water. 

The night before an 8:00 AM meeting with a client, we got hit with eight inches of snow.  I left my house at 6:30 in the morning in order to get to the meeting by 7:45 AM.  Typically this is a 30 minutes trip. When I got there, the building was locked and the parking lot was empty, but I waited in my car for someone to show up.  They eventually did and were surprised to find me there.  Due to the commitment I demonstrated, this client now thinks I walk on water. 

I had another client who ran into cash flow problems and found it difficult to pay my monthly fees.  When he called to terminate our engagement, I promised to continue working with them for free until their company was healthy again.  After all, that’s why they paid me in the first place – to help them be a healthy organization.  I wasn’t going to leave when they needed me the most.  Needless to say, that client thinks I walk on water. 

What about your customers?  Your employees?  Do they think you walk on water?  If not, what can you do to make them feel you do?
